Monday, November 11, 2013

Battlefield 4 Review

So now that Battlefield 4 has been out for quite sometime (and I'm not popular enough to get an early copy), I can finally give my verdict about this game.

Before I start praising or criticize this game, let me share some experiences that I've had so far. Battlefield is known for its interactive maps, breaking buildings, blowing up tanks and vehicles, and the famous skyscraper falling to the ground. The BF4 beta only had one map, and everyone was amazed that a huge skyscraper is able to be brought to the ground, and to follow it up, the map was then filled with debris, making it harder to see and more challenging to the players. But, that's not all EA had up their sleeves in this title.

In one of the maps, there are a bunch of little islands. Players can use attack boats, helicopters, or just stay on foot to travel around this map. After a while, a monsoon will start, and the waves get much bigger and it gets harder to control a boat. But that's not all. Eventually, a "battle cruiser" like ship (I don't know the technical terms. A REALLY BIG SHIP) washes on shore and will kill everything in its path. Unfortunately (but fortunate for me) an enemy attack boat was in the way of this beast. So here's this boat trying to shoot me and then a boat probably 500 times its size is coming from behind it. And BOOM, the attack ship explodes as the huge ship runs into it and washes on shore. Literally, I was in awe. It was probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen in gaming (so far), and that happened on the first day I played the game!

Now I won't get into the single player too much, as people usually buy this game for the sake of playing online. Needless to say, this game is a difficult FPS to master. Especially if you're transferring from Call of Duty (which is fine, we're just glad you made the change). The recoil form the gun feel like there's a lot more than Battlefield 3, which I love. It gives a bigger challenge to get kills and provides a more realistic and rewarding experience.

Something new the Battlefield 4 offers is the hardcore mode. If you were to choose a hardcore server, the first thing you will probably notice is that the mini-map is turned off. This may frighten the new Battlefield players, and to be honest, if you're new, stick to the regular mode just to learn the maps and to get comfortable with the game first. The second thing you might notice is that there are no crosshairs. This is expected in a hardcore game, because, well, it's hardcore, and there shouldn't be a crosshair in the middle of your screen. Then there are the little thing that you wouldn't notice right away. Things like players have less health (about 50-60%), no health regen is available, there's no ammo count and reloading makes you lose the rest of the bullets that were in that clip, on some servers, spotting has been turned off and of course there is friendly fire.

Overall, the experience of Battlefield 4 is amazing. The graphics are stellar, the game play is solid, the sound is unbeatable (honestly people, the sounds of this game is the BEST sound of any shooter game), and most importantly, the game is a lot of fun. Hours can be lost with this game, and it's definitely worth checking out.

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