If you don't follow gaming releases too much, or if you do and want to find some new up-coming games that I think will be good, then this is a list for you. These are in order of release date, not by most anticipated to least anticipated. Let's get straight to it.
Thief (February 25)
Thief has been a popular series back in the day. Although the game made its last appearance in 2004, the game is still well known within the gaming community. My favorite games are stealth based games, and there are not nearly enough out there for me to enjoy. Assassin's Creed sadly is becoming the new Call of Duty, becoming worse and worse every year, so that's not an option for me any more. This game may fill that void for myself. This game looks amazing and I hope they make the game fairly difficult because nothing is worse than an easy stealth game.
Dark Souls is the most evil, dark, mysterious, horrifying, unforgiving game I have ever played. And I love every second of it! Literally, you're placed in a world, told that you need to ring two bells, and that's the only direction you're ever given in that game. I know it doesn't sound like the greatest of experiences, but I've never felt so much satisfaction while playing this game. Every boss battle is memorable. Every fight is challenging. Every victory gives the most rewarding feeling, and that is why I love this game. I actually feel like I accomplished a feat. The difficulty in this game is perfect. For those who think games are way too easy and hold your hand, then please pick up Dark Souls, and enjoy the hell out of that game.
If you loved Call of Duty 4, then you may want to look at this game. The developers that made Call of Duty 4, left Infinity Wars (because they were sick of making Call of Duty), and made a FPS that sounds like an amazing concept. Just picture mechs, and parkour, and shooting people. If that doesn't get you rowdy, then just check out the trailer and game footage on their website. It looks pretty amazing, and is highly anticipated by a lot of gamers.
If anyone knows me, they would know I'm a HUGE elder scrolls fan! I have about 200 mods on Skyrim and still play it today. I've put and extreme amount of hours into oblivion, and I'm probably over hyped about this game. But honestly, I don't even care, this actually looks like it will be a successful MMORPG. It sucks that they're going for a pay-to-play subscription, but hopefully (although unlikely) they will change that to just buying the game in order to play it.
The Witcher 3 looks like the RPG game that will destroy all other games in the genre. The graphics look amazing, the gameplay in The Witcher 2 was, in my opinion, fantastic. If you like RPGs, then this is the perfect game for you. The depth in this game is unmatched and I can't wait to see what they added to the ending of a fantastic trilogy.
If you saw the E3 gameplay footage of this game, you would now why this game looks amazing. The Tom Clancy series has always been a strong series, but there was never that huge breakthrough game that gave them the popularity that the series deserves. This might be the title that does it though. Check out the gameplay demo on YouTube, and you'll find out why this game looks cool as hell.
When this game didn't come out in November, I was pretty disappointed. Although it only gets me more excited that the game will be even better now. Grand Theft Auto is getting a bit repetitive, and this would be a nice twist being able to use your environment to be your weapon, rather than just shooting everything you see and getting away from the cops easily.
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